General Terms of Sales and Delivery

General Terms of Sales and Delivery

1. Application of the terms

These terms are valid from 30 March 2023 and replace all previous general terms and conditions of delivery of Tietokeskus Finland Oy and its subsidiaries.

2. Registration and notifications

3. Product information, availability and prices

The Parties understand that a situation may arise in which the Customer receives an order confirmation for a product that may be out of stock and a new product is not available within a reasonable time. In such a situation, the Seller has the right to find a replacement product for the Customer.

The Seller is obliged to sell the replacement product to the Customer at the same price as the original product ordered by the Customer. If the Seller is unable to provide the Customer with a replacement product at the same price, the Seller has the right to cancel the order or part of it. In this case, the Seller will communicate this separately to the Customer.

5. Deliveries

In the event of any delay in delivery, the Seller shall not be liable to pay the Customer a penalty for a late delivery, unless otherwise agreed on in writing between the Parties.

Delivery charges will be added to all orders and deliveries, unless otherwise agreed on with the Customer.

6. Service prices

Unless otherwise agreed on, the following service prices apply:

All service prices VAT 0 %

7. Payment terms and billing

Comments on prices must be made to the Seller within seven (7) days from the date of the invoice.

8. Warranty and liability

9. Ownership and liability for risk

The products remain the property of the Seller until they have been fully paid for and received by the Customer. The liability for risk of the products is transferred to the Customer at the time of sale or at the time of delivery of the product, if the Seller is responsible for the delivery of the product to the Customer. In the case of collectible orders, the delivery takes place when the Seller hands over the goods to the Customer or their representative, in principle within the warehouse. In the case of delivered products, the delivery takes place when the product is handed over to the Customer or their representative unloaded from the means of transport, or handed over to the Customer or their representative from the carrier’s pick-up point.

10. Changes to these terms

The Seller reserves the right to change these General Terms of Sales and Delivery. The Customer accepts the changed terms if they continue to place orders or continue to use any customer account after the change. The amended terms will apply from the date of entry into force to new orders, contracts of indefinite duration and contracts that are renewed periodically.

11. Limitation of liability

12. General principles

The Parties shall endeavour to resolve in good faith any disputes, disagreements or claims between the Parties in connection with the contract. Each Party shall give the other Party a reasonable opportunity to remedy any contract breach. Either Party may terminate the contract if the other Party materially breaches the terms of this contract. However, a termination requires that the breaching Party be notified in writing of the breach and given a reasonable period of time, at least 30 days, to remedy the breach.

13. Contract terms and their order of application

All Services and Products delivered by the Seller are subject to Tietokeskus Finland Oy’s General Terms of Sales and Delivery and IT2022 Terms and Conditions in addition to any special terms and conditions. The order of application of the contract terms is as follows:

  1. The contract between the Seller and the Customer for the Services or Products and its annexes
  2. Tietokeskus Finland Oy’s General Terms of Sales and Delivery in force at the time
  3. The IT2022 General terms and conditions (YSE), Special terms and conditions for deliveries of equipment (ELT), Special terms and conditions for consulting and other professional services (EAP), Special terms and conditions for software maintenance (EOY), Special terms and conditions for equipment maintenance (ELH) and Special terms and conditions for deliveries of standard software (STC), as agreed on for each delivery.

This contract shall be governed by Finnish law. Disputes arising out of the contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce in accordance with IT2022 YSE by three arbitrators of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, with each party appointing one arbitrator and the Chamber of Commerce appointing one arbitrator.

In possible language or content conflicts, the Finnish version of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery is always interpreted.

Tietokeskus Finland Oy’s General Terms of Sales and Delivery are available on the Seller’s website at

14. Exceptions

These terms of sales and delivery do not apply to public invitations to tender to the extent that they differ from the terms and conditions set out in each public invitation to tender.

Tietokeskus Finland Oy’s General Terms of Sales and Delivery 30 March 2023.