IT outsourcing – Improve your business and ensure efficient work

We turn your IT environment into a business engine and make sure your employees have everything they need to work efficiently. Find out what services you can outsource, what are the IT outsourcing costs and how an ongoing partnership with us works.

What does IT outsourcing involve?

You can work with us to outsource all your IT services or just outsource a specific part of your IT. As your partner, we maintain the basic day-to-day IT functions and ensure that your environment is kept up-to-date and constantly evolving to meet your business needs.

For example, you can outsource the following:

Why outsource your IT services to Tietokeskus?

We support the IT development of your business

We regularly propose new solutions and proactively develop your IT infrastructure with you. We make sure that our skills are also transferred to the IT people in your company. This keeps them up to date with the latest technologies and their developments, so that new ways of working are directly transferred to your business.

Infrastructure that best serves your business

No two IT environments are the same, so the services they need should not always be the same either. Our services take into account the needs of your business and IT environment, the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the services we provide, and the potential risks.

The most knowledgeable guy in your city

We work where you do. You can find us in several cities around Finland. Our teams are multi-locational – the resources and expertise of nearly 500 Tietokeskus people are at your disposal across the country.

How does outsourcing work in practice?

We always start with an IT environment health check

We look at what kind of IT infrastructure your company has and how it’s performing.

We then take control of your IT environment and fix the problems identified during the health check

We make sure that our IT environments and yours talk to each other.

After taking control, we run the agreed services and meet with you regularly

This way we know if everything is going as it should and we can think about how to improve in the future.

You’ll be helped by people you know from our end, with a dedicated account and support team and direct contact with your designated contact person

You’ll see us regularly, because we want to make sure we know your business and its changes inside out. This is the best way for us to brainstorm how IT can support it.

Building strategic understanding on the basis of IT

We sit down once or twice a year with a larger group, anticipate changes in your business and set goals for IT development.

Participants: IT and business management + Tietokeskus team

Monitoring & prioritisation of development projects

At least once a quarter, we sit down and critically review the development list: whether it supports the objectives, whether the monthly meetings have identified actions that should be added, and which projects should be prioritised next.

For example: at the monthly meeting, we discover that there are interruptions in the service because it is out of date. In the quarterly meeting, we agree how and when to remedy the situation.

Participants: IT Director and contact person for our partnership + Tietokeskus team

Daily work according to agreement

We will help out your employees, take care of security, spar with you, perform development work and so on – whatever you need.

Once a month, we hold a meeting to go through the indicators and charts together: highlighting what’s worth noting, why the figures have changed and what to do about them.

Participants: Contact person for our partnership + Tietokeskus team and other key people as needed

“Tietokeskus keeps us informed about what to pay attention to and, together, we work out the best solutions for each situation. Thanks to their advice, among other things, we introduced MFA authentication, which is important for data security.”

Teuvo Halonen
Chief Financial Officer

“Cooperation with Tietokeskus is close. I value a partnership where we have time to talk, and the partner is genuinely interested in our success. We’ve always had architects and consultants on site when we’ve needed them.”

Sami Teininen
Chief Information Officer

As our customer, you are part of a great team

For whom and when is Tietokeskus a suitable IT partner?

  • You are an SME with at least 20 workstations (or thereabouts) and you expect your IT needs to grow in the near future
  • IT is the engine of your business or you are looking for ways to make it even more so
  • You are willing to make the necessary improvements to your IT environment in order to develop your business
  • You want to ensure your competitiveness now and in the future
  • You are looking for a strategic IT partner for ongoing collaboration, and one who won’t waste your time on nonsense

If you found at least some matches, get in touch and let’s talk more about IT outsourcing!

Shall we discuss IT outsourcing further ?

Leave your contact details and we will be in touch.