Workstation management

Our workstation management service ensures that your workstations and mobile devices are working as designed and are secure in all situations and locations

What does Tietokeskus’ Workstation Management include?

Workstations and mobile devices

Standard workstation environment

Centralised management measures and configurations

Hardware control

Troubleshooting and corrective measures

Application and security updates

Application bundling for larger application distributions

and Level 3 endpoint specialists

Developing the workstation environment, e.g. security

Why choose Workstation Management for Tietokeskus?

Applications up-to-date

Up-to-date applications on the endpoint device are an absolute prerequisite for a smooth and secure working environment. We distribute software upgrades, critical security updates and new software to workstations in a securely packaged remote distribution.

If it is not possible or worthwhile to install the program remotely, we will install it with the help of our user support. We also perform demanding application bundling if the application does not support customized settings during installation. This ensures that the application is installed with the right settings and on the right devices.

Functioning endpoints

We build and configure a well-standardised workstation environment together with the customer, taking into account security and usage requirements. This ensures that the equipment is functional and manageable, avoiding unnecessary disruption and providing the best possible user experience.

Operating system security updates

To prevent endpoints from causing unnecessary security breaches, they must be regularly updated. When critical security updates are released, the updates will be run to endpoints without delay, according to a schedule separately agreed upon. We also run other updates to the operating system platform that will improve the usability of your device.

Remote locks and wipes in the event of a security incident

Our service allows you to lock or wipe your endpoints if a security breach is detected or the device is stolen or lost. A rapid response ensures that sensitive data that may be on the device does not fall into the wrong hands or that a potential security breach does not spread more widely into the customer’s ICT environment.

Modern management tools

We use modern tools for endpoint management, taking into account the needs of our customers. The tools enable remote screen control of the endpoint, application installations, updates, wipes, centralised configuration management and automated device pre-installations as part of the Tietokeskus Lifecycle Management services. The tools can manage both workstations and mobile devices.

Workstation and application virtualisation solutions

We are also able to maintain and support our customers’ workstation and application virtualization solutions. In this solution, workstations and applications are run in a centralised environment from which only the user interface is published for the workstation.

All operations are performed either on Tietokeskus’ server capacity or in the cloud. By using centralised workstation and application virtualisation solutions, you can avoid workstation-related problems with applications or performance issues.

Lifecycle management service offers carefree equipment purchases

We recommend that you purchase your company’s workstations through our lifecycle management service. We will then preconfigure and deliver the equipment and install it on your network. If needed, we can also provide training for your staff.

Secure Workstation management

  • Secure workstation management services
  • Third party security updates
  • Security updates
  • Workstation firewall
  • Local access rights
  • Disk encryption
  • Locking the workstation account

Interested in workstation management services?

Leave your contact details and we will be in touch.

Niko Lehtonen

Sales Manager
050 492 5131