Workstation management
Our workstation management service ensures that your workstations and mobile devices are working as designed and are secure in all situations and locations

What does Tietokeskus’ Workstation Management include?
Workstations and mobile devices
Standard workstation environment
Centralised management measures and configurations
Hardware control
Troubleshooting and corrective measures
Application and security updates
Application bundling for larger application distributions
and Level 3 endpoint specialists
Developing the workstation environment, e.g. security

Lifecycle management service offers carefree equipment purchases
We recommend that you purchase your company’s workstations through our lifecycle management service. We will then preconfigure and deliver the equipment and install it on your network. If needed, we can also provide training for your staff.

Secure Workstation management
- Secure workstation management services
- Third party security updates
- Security updates
- Workstation firewall
- Local access rights
- Disk encryption
- Locking the workstation account
Interested in workstation management services?
Leave your contact details and we will be in touch.

Niko Lehtonen
Sales Manager
050 492 5131