Marimekko has been purchasing basic IT services from Tietokeskus since 2008. Development work has been active in recent years and agile development approaches have produced great results in several service areas. The IT partnership between Marimekko and Tietokeskus covers IT support, cloud and server services, telecommunications services and data security.
Tietokeskus is Marimekko’s comprehensive partner in IT infrastructure. The global partnership covers locations from Marimekko headquarters to stores around the world.
– Our cooperation is really close and straightforward. You can always reach Tietokeskus when you need it and it’s easy to discuss everything, says Pekka Kivenjuuri, Head of IT at Marimekko.
The cooperation includes IT support services, server and cloud services and telecoms services, with a strong focus on security across all services. Services are developed in close cooperation with the customer using agile continuous improvement approaches.
– We have made the continuous improvement model work in all areas. Tietokeskus has been interested in developing its own operating models and services based on customer ideas, Kivenjuuri continues.
Deep technical expertise to support IT infrastructure development
The Service Manager and the Key Account Manager are responsible for the customer relationship at Tietokeskus, and the team also includes technical experts and consultants to support the development work. They are supported by the entire national expert organisation of Tietokeskus, where necessary.
– We meet with the Service Manager on a weekly basis, and we discuss issues related to the service production itself and further development in service area-specific forums, Kivenjuuri describes the cooperation.
The development of the IT infrastructure is also in safe hands in terms of technological expertise.
– Tietokeskus has provided deep expertise in different fields to support the development of the basic service. This has given us a new boost to our work. Great documentation has helped to ensure that the quality of the work remains consistent, even if the expert changes, he continues.
Remote support also in English, in different time zones
Marimekko uses Tietokeskus to provide both remote and local support to help its staff work more efficiently. Remote support is now playing a major role in IT support, with people often working from their home offices.
A global company can access IT support around the world through Tietokeskus. English-language support is available by phone, email and remote tools, during agreed service hours. Marimekko has locations around the world, with time zones from Australia to the United States.
– We have been able to help Tietokeskus develop a global support model during the collaboration, and this has gone well. Through them, we now have seamless support for the end-users in both our offices and our stores globally, says Kivenjuuri.
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